Live A Pain Free & Healthier Life Through Chiropractic Care

Chiropractor care and services in maryland

As chiropractors, we follow the healing philosophy of chiropractic founder Daniel David Palmer – that manipulation of the spine by skilled hands can lessen or eliminate many of the body’s problems arising from the nervous system.

Chiropractic-type healing has been around since ancient Egypt, but it wasn’t until 1895, when Palmer founded chiropractic as a field of medicine, that there began to be an organized approach to healing the body’s ailments.

Chiropractic healing focuses on neuromusculoskeletal and general health issues, and while our treatments do not involve drug prescriptions, our techniques can include:

Low back pain is one of the most common health complaints from people who seek medical consultation. The lower back pain causes vary from person to person. When we break down the reasons, they can be categorized under the following three categories: physical, lifestyle, or psychosocial. Under these terms, we consider many factors such as work-related posture, repetitive stresses, body weight, age, improper lifting, moving the wrong way, your perception and attitude towards pain and even job-related stress. The list goes on, but these tend to be some of the most common.

Pain does not discriminate

Pain is one of the few things in life that will not discriminate against age, sex, or race. With that in mind, it is essential to understand that everyone can benefit from chiropractic care when the body becomes too damaged to repair itself. Over the course of time, this damage will stop the body from operating at optimal levels and in some cases force individuals to stop participating in everyday habits and enjoyments. This is known as microtrauma and over time will cause pain, scar tissue, and in some cases severe arthritis.

The following are just a few of many benefits you can receive from chiropractor care:

If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment for a Maryland Chiropractic procedure or a consultation, please contact us at 301-231-6550 today.

Chiropractic help for lower back pain

Did you know that 80% of Americans will experience some kind of lower back pain in their lifetime? When it comes to lower back pain, it can be difficult to self-diagnose the problem, whether being stress-related or injury-related. It is best recommended that you visit your chiropractor to know for sure. They should be able to pinpoint the exact cause of the problem, and help you find a treatment that works best for you. What can you expect when you visit your chiropractor for lower back pain?

What to expect

You may find yourself wondering what to expect when you are at the chiropractor for your lower back pain. Here is how we go about it at ProHeal Chiropractic and Wellness Center:

When you arrive at the doctor’s office, you will be given a medical history to fill out, just as you would at any other healthcare office. This evaluation is important to help the chiropractor to determine the best course of treatment for your issues. When you describe your discomfort, don’t leave anything out because a thorough description of the problem will help your Rockville Chiropractic procedure to accurately diagnosis the cause of your problem.

After you have completed the questionnaire, you will undergo a physical examination by the chiropractor. They will not only give you a routine physical exam, but the practitioner will also give you a complete spinal examination as well. Not only will they examine the areas that are giving you discomfort, but they will probably examine the entire spine. Pain radiates and there may not be an issue where your back or neck hurts, the damage could be at a higher or lower point along your spine.

There are other methods your chiropractor may employ to diagnosis the reason for your pain. They may take x-rays of your entire spine, as well as any other area you have pain. Sometimes a MRI may be necessary to see the full scope of your issues, but the x-ray will show any misalignments or joint problems that you may have.

After the initial examinations, your chiropractor will discuss their initial diagnosis with you and the program of care that you may need. If it is indicated, you may get some type of treatment on your first visit. Chiropractic treatments in Rockville could include manual adjustments of your spine, physical therapy, massage therapy, exercise regimens, sports medicine, cold laser or electric muscle stimulation. They may even schedule an appointment for you to come back to speak with a nutritionist or for an alternative therapy, such as acupuncture. Most problems will not be resolved with just one visit and they will discuss treatment options with you once a diagnosis has been made.
Once a course of treatment has been discussed and planned, the chiropractor will discuss the number and types of treatments you will need to help correct the underlying cause of your problem. The follow-up visits may include more adjustments or other types of therapies. If you are visiting the chiropractor because you sustained an injury, they will work with your other doctors and determine the best treatments for you to help with your recovery. Chiropractic care will also help reduce your pain while you’re recovering.


Your Chiropractor should begin by asking a series of questions about your lower back pain. Those questions will be targeted toward when you first started experiencing pain. Even if you do know the cause, your past history and even your family medical history may come into that conversation and prove helpful. A thorough examination of your entire spine along with x-rays of the problem areas will help to determine the underlying cause of the pain. The problems will be clearly explained and a treatment plan will be setup.

Spinal manipulation

Your Chiropractor will then have you lie down on the specially padded Chiropractic table when the treatment begins. Even for lower back pain, many times the entire spine needs some treatment, so beginning with the basic spinal manipulation, the Chiropractor will use their hands on your back in short, controlled adjustment to the joints of the spine. This will help with alleviating some of the stress or strain that your back is under, thus helping remove some of the pain.

The end goal

When it comes to lower back pain, with spinal manipulation, the goal is to relieve the pain and improve overall physical health. Your Chiropractor may recommend that adding more physical activity to your lifestyle may keep your low back pain at bay. They may also come to the conclusion that with more chiropractic treatment, you may start to see improvement. Whatever the case, their end goal is to help you get rid of your back pain. You may experience some temporary muscle soreness after your visit to the Chiropractor. But this is to be expected, just like muscles will be sore after a workout.

Think Preventative

Just as when you go to the doctor to receive your yearly physical exam, you should also make the same effort to visit your Chiropractor. It is recommended by many Chiropractors that in order to prevent pain, you should visit them periodically.

Can you imagine how much less back pain Americans would suffer if they took the preventative measures recommended by Chiropractors? They may also begin to see the effects of stress diminish from their lives. We are trusted Rockville chiropractors, please contact us at ProHealth Chiropractic and Wellness Center with any questions.

Almost everyone is nervous on their first visit to a new doctor and you may be even more nervous on your first visit to a chiropractor if you’ve never seen one before. You may have heard all sorts of stories about painful manipulations from friends or family, but don’t let those stories stop you from seeking help from a licensed chiropractor. You probably won’t undergo an adjustment on your first visit, but even if you do, there is only a minimal chance that the treatment will be uncomfortable.


How Our Doctors Can Help With Your Pain Management

Auto Accidents

A collision of motor vehicles often resulting in car damage, personal injuries, or sometimes even death

Herniated disc

A disc in the vertebrae that shifts out of alignment irritating the nerves nearby leading to spinal pain

Auto Accidents

A collision of motor vehicles often resulting in car damage, personal injuries, or sometimes even death


Best described as a shooting pain that radiates along the sciatic nerve affecting the lower back, buttocks, and legs


A neck injury caused by a powerful impact

Low back pain

Uncomfortable pain and irritation of the lower spine

Back pain

Pain located in the upper back, which also radiates up the neck, causing pain and discomfort

Carpal tunnel syndrome

A tingling and sometimes aching sensation in the wrists caused by compressed nerves. People often wake up in the morning with the feeling of their hand still being asleep


Painful pressure or thumping in any area in the head


The compression of nerves causing tingling, numbness, pain, and even weakness


A condition that causes the lateral curvature of the spine

Frozen shoulder

Stiffness and pain of the joints in the shoulder area; also known as adhesive capsulitis


The most common form of arthritis, occurs when the cartilage of the underlying bone degenerates over time


A disease that occurs when bone density decreases and bones become more fragile and porous

Plantar fasciitis

The inflammation of the plantar fascia causing heel pain

Shoulder pain

Evidenced by pain or tightness from the surrounding muscles and tendons of the shoulder

Knee pain

A common complaint where the knee may experience stiffness, swelling, and pain

Tennis elbow

A condition where the muscles and joints in your elbow are overstrained causing irritation and soreness

Cold Laser Therapy

If you have been dealing with chronic pain and haven’t found a solution, you may want to consider cold laser therapy. Cold laser treatment uses a direct beam of colored light set to a specific wavelength. A low section of the visible light spectrum is used to prevent irritation or damage to the skin’s surface. The laser is capable of penetrating the skin and muscle below it without any pain and works to reduce inflammation and irritation as it passes through your body. Cold laser therapy is easily targeted at the parts of your body where your pain originates. ProHealth Wellness Chiropractic Center is the premier provider of this type of Laser Therapy in Rockville, MD.

The Benefits of Rockville Cold Laser Procedures

Needle-free Acupuncture

If a fear of needles has kept you from enjoying the benefits of acupuncture, we can use our cold laser treatment to provide the same results. The laser stimulates the nerves in the same way the needles would in traditional acupuncture.

Wound Healing

Treating stubborn wounds with pulses of Low-level laser therapy can stimulate the cells to regrow, speeding up the healing process.

Relieve Pain

Laser therapy has been used to relieve both muscular and skeletal pain. A broad beam of light helps targeted muscles relax and release tension. These cold lasers work for joint pain caused by arthritis, back pain, and neck pain.

Soft Tissue Healing

Since the low-level laser can penetrate the surface of the skin without damaging it, inflamed or damaged soft tissues can benefit as well. Our Rockville cold laser therapy could speed up the healing process for injuries like tendonitis, tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome. This is very beneficial for athletes looking to recover from injury quicker.

Alternative to Risky Medication and Surgery

Surgical treatment of chronic back or joint pain comes with plenty of risks. The cold laser treatment comes with none of those risks and can produce the same results.

There are many different ways that Low-level lasers can be used to eliminate pain in the body. They are FDA approved and can be used to relieve symptoms with:
ProHealth provides a full range of chiropractic services in addition to the Low-level laser therapy. Relax with a deep-tissue massage, have your spine adjusted to the proper alignment and relieve pain with cold laser therapy pain management treatment.
Exercise Regimens

When you are in pain and seeking relief, what do you do? Do you consider Physical exercise and chiropractic care? While you might not think of the two initially for your pain relief, the professionals at Pro Health Chiropractic Wellness Center near Rockville, can show you why the two can go hand-in-hand. With proper chiropractic care and treatment, you can begin to experience relief from the pain and have more mobility, no matter what the cause of your pain may be.

Why Physical exercise and Chiropractic Care Work Together
Chiropractic care can include many services all focused on reducing your pain and helping you regain mobility. These services might include:

Not only can Physical exercise help you heal and experience less pain, but they can also help prevent future injuries.

At Pro Health Chiropractic Wellness Center, the professional medical staff will take the time to learn about your lifestyle, your injury or illness, and your pain. This will allow them to develop a customized treatment plan. This program not only includes services like those listed but also a plan for preventing additional injuries. This often includes exercise regimens designed to improve your:

Not all patients at the Pro Health Chiropractic Wellness Center will need physical exercise as part of their treatment. Some will need physical therapy, which will be done with a licensed doctor. This chiropractic treatment is designed to provide the same benefits, but is often used to help relieve pain and swelling before other treatments begin. Once the pain and swelling is manageable, the doctor can concentrate on improving mobility and range of motion.
Benefits of Calling ProHealth Chiropractic Wellness Center

Most patients needing chiropractic care suffer from a misalignment of their spine. In our Rockville location, chiropractic services are conducted by Dr. James J. Flood, who use their hands with gentle and swift motions to manipulate the spine in order to alleviate pain generated by an irritation in the nervous system.

ProHealth’s services include a treatment follow-up plan in order to create healthy habits to accompany the healing process. Through proper diet, exercise and patient lifestyle, further pain can be avoided.

Schedule an Appointment at Pro Health Chiropractic Today
Isn’t it time you stopped living in pain? Exercise regimens and chiropractic care from Pro Health Chiropractic Wellness Center can help you live pain-free once more. Call 301-231-6550 today to schedule an appointment.
Physical therapy

An investment in Physiotherapy can be a viable solution if you are experiencing chronic back or Text neck syndrome. Millions of Americans are currently living with muscle or spinal pain in their back. If you are currently experiencing pain, you need to know that the right physical therapy for back pain could significantly reduce or eliminate your discomfort. Modern chiropractic care uses non-invasive, surgery-free techniques to restore your spine to its correct alignment. Many of the procedures we use at ProHealth Chiropractic Wellness Center are relaxing or even enjoyable.

Common Myths About Back Pain Treatment
There are some persistent myths that discourage many back pain sufferers from trying chiropractic procedures. These myths include:

Physiotherapy for back pain is painful

While some forms of physical therapy do cause temporary and mild discomfort, there is a far greater reduction in chronic pain as your back returns to the proper alignment and your muscles strengthen.

Only surgical back pain treatment is effective

A research study published in the “Journal of Chiropractic & Manual Therapies” demonstrated that chiropractic procedures were effective at treating a wide range of back and joint pain issues. Non-surgical treatment for back pain can work just as well or better than surgery.

Effective therapies are only available in large cities

ProHealth Chiropractic Wellness Center offers state-of-the-art physical therapy treatments in Rockville, Maryland to enable patients to stay close to home while visiting doctors with unrivaled skills.

Physical therapy for back pain can be expensive

Chiropractic care and the other services we offer to manage pain are surprisingly affordable.

Physiotherapy Services We Offer

We offer a range of different and complementary procedures so we can provide you with a full treatment program. Our physical therapy and wellness center is equipped to help people with established diagnoses and those who are unsure of the cause of their pain. Schedule an appointment today and learn more about how we can help you get rid of your back pain today.

The Approach for a Better You

The mission for our chiropractors is to attend to each patient carefully by emphasizing the patient-doctor relationship. In investigating the lifestyle of each patient, we will be able to identify the cause of your pain. Finding the cause is the primary goal in order to get rid of it. Once the cause is discovered, the chiropractor will design a treatment program that works best for you. After understanding the cause of your pain and making adjustments to the spine, we will review with you the best eating and exercise regimens to avoid triggering the pain again and for complimenting the treatments leading to a healthier lifestyle.

Using a practice that has been done since ancient Egypt, but with a modern spin of Daniel David Palmer’s philosophy, ProHealth is confident our adjustment and wellness plan can lesson or eliminate many problems from the nervous system.

Prohealth Chiropractic and Wellness Center believes pain should not be a common factor in your life. Call for a free phone consultation or to schedule your first appointment with $50 off.

Sports Medicine

If you participate in any form of athletics, you are likely familiar with the benefits of sports medicine. Chiropractic care also can benefit athletes, as it works to reduce pain, improve range of motion and keep the body working as it should. At Pro Health Chiropractic Wellness Center, you will find the treatment and services you need for sports-related injuries. The medical professionals here understand that many injuries athletes suffer have a different mechanism than injuries of non-athletes. This is often due to the twisting, turning, or spinning movements involved.

Sports Medicine – Chiropractic Care for Athletes
You might not immediately think of chiropractic care for athletic injuries; however, at Pro Health Chiropractic, you will find customized sports medicine treatment plans to help you become pain-free. It’s through this individualized care and service that you will begin to feel like your old self again. Chiropractic healing techniques can include

A chiropractic adjustment is what is commonly thought of when someone hears the word “chiropractor.” It most often involves spinal manipulation, and the goal is to relieve pain. Cold laser therapy is often used in sports medicine to treat ligament sprains, muscle strains, tendonitis, and other injuries. It is non-invasive and an alternative to surgery or acupuncture.

The professional medical staff at Pro Health Chiropractic specializes in chiropractic and sports care in these and other services to get you back in your finest form once more.

Therapies Available At Our Maryland Chiropractic Center
  • Muscle Trigger-Point Therapy: We identify the tight, sore knots of muscle that make your back or neck hurt and we work out the tension.
  • Orthopedic Supports: Professional fittings for knee, elbow and back braces can stop muscle strain and irritation from re-developing after a successful treatment. A chiropractor with extensive experience in sports is the best person to fit these devices due to specialized knowledge about joint and spine alignment.
  • Massage: Releasing muscle tension and quieting overactive nerves becomes relaxing when deep-tissue massage is used.
  • Physical Therapy: Dr. Flood, the founding chiropractor at ProHealth Chiropractic and Wellness Center in Rockville, can also provide physical therapy. We offer many of the traditional stretching and strength building exercises you need after an accident or long-term injury.
  • Nutrition: Eating properly supports your body during the healing process. Many foods and drinks can increase irritation and inflammation, making your pain worse. Our chiropractors can design a healthy and tasty nutritional plan for you as well.
We understand that it is hard to fit in regular doctor’s visits when you lead a busy life. This is the reason we offer early morning, weekend and evening hours.
Call Pro Health Chiropractic Wellness Center Today
When you need chiropractic care for an athletic injury, call 301-231-6550 to schedule an appointment. There are convenient evening and weekend appointments available, too, so it is easy to find a time that is right for you. Let the caring professionals customize a sports medicine and chiropractic care plan for you that will allow you to get back to your game quickly and better than ever.